Travel Broker Testimonials

“What I love about The Travel Brokers brand most, is the colleagues I get to work with and learn from.  There is such a massive talent pool with huge experience within our broker team and everyone I have ever asked for assistance with anything, has been more than happy to help and genuinely wishing me success in my business.  Also the backbone of our team, the support staff are simply incredible!, they are very focused and committed, and always available to assist - testament to this is that they have never gotten angry or condescending to me with even my most stupid questions.
Andrew Welch, Nelson

This is my third year with “The Travel Brokers” group and it’s been the best three years of my travel career which spans 22 years.

I wish I had heard of this amazing group along time ago. TTB (for short) are an outstanding group of individual professional travel agents who just love to share their skills and expertise to there amazing client base and actively being involved in their client’s decision making to offer them the best holiday anywhere in the world. The TTB group have an incredible internal support team led by the wonderful Jackie and Clare but also involves the IT department, accounts department and our awesome in house suppliers. This is the dream team!!  😊

Antony Myers, Auckland

"A fantastic group of people, with a vast knowledge on all things travel, and their willingness to share that information with the whole team."

Sue Hammond, Geraldine

Deciding to be a broker was a huge decision after so many years in a mainstream ‘big brand’ business.  However, the easiest, and by far, best decision I ever made was joining the team at The Travel Brokers.  Not only are you surrounded by like-minded agents, all loving what they do and having the freedom to do what we all do best, but we are supported by an amazing team of professionals who enable us to run the best business we can.  Having the choice of GDS, and all the best back-office systems, along with a management team who ensure we are up to date with all the training tools and knowledge bases, make this the broker brand that enables you to be the best professional version of yourself that you can be.

It’s more than being part of a successful broker brand, you really become part of a like minded, wider ‘family’ community.

Mel Allan, Christchurch